
Traditionally, the conference includes three sessions: Session of Electrical Engineering, Session of Electronics and Telecommunications as well as Session of Computer Science and Control Systems, all having the same importance.

For each edition of the conference, the main topics of each session can be updated to the new trends in the field.

Before to submit a paper / papers to the EMES'21 international conference please select carefully the appropiate topic from the list of those who are active.

The main topics of each sessin are listed bellow:

eeElectrical Engineering

Electromagnetic field analysis and applications

Circuit analysis and applications

Numerical modeling and simulation

Electro technology, energy conversion, materials

Electric and electronic measurement systems

Electrical drives and electro-mechanical systems

Renewable energy

Power engineering

etcElectronics and Telecommunications

Signal and image processing

Neural systems and cellular neural networks

Applied electronics

Power electronics

Electronic circuits, systems and robotics


cscs Computer Science and Control Systems

Software engineering

Intelligent computer architecture and logic design

Computer networks, security and dependable computing

Web and mobile software developing

Databases and data mining

Advanced information technology

Applied informatics and real-time systems

Artificial intelligence and robotics

Modeling and simulation in automatics

Advanced control of electrical drives

Modern control systems

Human-machine interfaces

Advanced production systems